Sonntag, 4. Dezember 2016

Sugar - The addictive Drug 

Sugar. A harmful source of energy or possibly the most addictive drug to the body? Newer studies show that sugar is 8 times more addictive than Cocaine and the use of sugar can lead to a series of health problems, both long term and short term. The studies done on sugar show that the white sweet powder affects our brain pathways in the same way as drugs like Cocaine or Heroin does! That means that every time you eat that sweet chocolate dipped donut or that delicious cookie, you are reinforcing and strengthening the neuropaths in your brain. After a while you will increasingly crave for more sugar as tolerance builds up and until some point the drug won’t give you any pleasure anymore. Does it sound familiar to you? This is exactly the same process as with any other drug. People with a heroin addiction would have to increase the taken dose because the drug loses its effectiveness after a while, mainly as a result of the body's habitation of the drug.  

In the end, the drug will eventually stop giving the user pleasure and the user will have to take the drug in order to just feel normal. Just as heroin, sugar activates he opioid receptors in our body and brain and affects the reward system, which in many cases can result into compulsive behavior. Ever felt like eating more cookies even though you just binged on a whole box of cookies? Or felt like your just taking choices spontaneously. Well, that’s thanks to the sugar’s addictive properties and its effects in the body and on the neuropathways in the brain. At this point you may start to wonder "But hey, sugar isn’t so bad. We need it. We need fuel for our body. We need to eat to survive" How come is it called an addiction if you need it to survive? “Well, we are not talking about unprocessed sugars like bananas or apples or any fruit. We are talking about refined sugars like cane sugar, fructose, corn-syrup etc. these are sugars that are very addictive. Unfortunately, these days you can hardly find a product without added sugar, unless you shop your groceries in a whole food store of course. Even bread has sugar in it nowadays. 

The word addiction in medicinal terms refers to a tragic situation where the individual’s brain chemistry has been altered or influenced in order to compel them to repeat a substance or an activity despite harmful consequences.  And sugar, as with all other drugs, have some serious consequences on a short and long term basis. Tooth decay, bad skin, weight gain, loss of concentration, depression or anxiety are just some of the nasty effects of a sugar addiction. As soon as you start to see sugar as drug and cut out the white powder from your life, only then will you start to see major improvements in your life, both physical and psychological. If have a problem with food or have weight issue, you will greatly benefit from cutting out sugar and certain foods from your diet.  You have to start seeing this as an addiction and treat your addiction i the same way as other drugs. Using wood as a part of therapy or as therapy gives you incredible or major benefits. If you need to lose weight, then you need to refrain to using diets as short term solution. Instead, i urge you acknowledge and research about how certain foods affect our minds and bodies. It’s not just about the calories going in and out. It’s more profound than that. When you realize this, you can improve your quality of life and start feeling great again. Tun in next time, where i'll talk about how you can quit sugar and what certain foods are good for health and what foods are detrimental for your health.


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